About Us Crazy Girlies
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*SuM iNfO aBoUt ChRiStInA*
Hey, how are all you peeps doing! So you wanna know about me, huh! We'll I'm Christina a.k.a Five Iron Frenzy Freak, bet you can't guess my fave group. I'm 16 and I live in sunny Southern Cali. My fave color is green. I BMX for fun and I'm attempting other extreme sports. I love going to the beach and watching all my surfer buds. I hate country music and peas, don't ask. I've had the priviliged to meet 3 members of FIF, including the oh-so-cute Reese Roper, one of the best times of my life. I'm a fellow Christian, otherwise known as a "Jesus Freak"!!!! I also love animals and meeting new people. The kinda music I like is ska, punk, swing, and alternative. So I guess that's the basics and that's all. Have Fun.

*SuM iNfO aBoUt DeNiSe*
Whoa did this need an update. So how are all you stellar peeps doing? I hope good. Sum 411 on me huh..well I am 16/f/Sunny So. Cali, . I am totally in love with the SuPeRtOnEs, they rawk my world. I have been able to meet 3 of them; Darren, Matt, and Tony. They were so nice through all my crying. One day you will all see me on MTV's FANatic with them, prolly balling but telling them the whole story of how they changed my life. And now all of them =). Jason even declared me their biggest fan. Christina and I also met all of Five Iron Frenzy at one of their shows. They are so awesome. The koolest and sum the cutest =)! Well thats about it for now. Don't forget to sign our guestbook and keep rawkin for Jesus for he will never lead you astray. Take care and have fun.

*BeStEsT bUDdIes*
Well have you guessed it yet! Five Iron Frenzy and the Supertones are best buds and so are we. Kool huh! We have known each other for almost 2 years but we are so close it seems like it has been forever! We have been through so much stuff lately, we needed that friend there. We stick through the hard times!We pretty much are into the same stuff with some minor exceptions, I guess you can tell from our little bios.We are both now Juniors (technically) and in Advanced Choir and theatre, it rawks!! We are definetly California girls,(I wish they all could be California girls...), sorry we kinda had a singing moment! Thats about it, hope you enjoy our site. Peace, love, punk, and ska!